[AMPS] Slightly off topic.
Martin John Hallsworth
Fri, 1 Sep 2000 09:07:51 +0100
I saw this and though some of you big boys might be interested
so please forgive the post.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jules J-Omega <j-omegaNO@SPAMTHANKSpubliconline.co.uk>
Newsgroups: uk.radio.amateur
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2000 11:32 PM
Subject: 1kW rig for disposal
>Can anyone think of a use for a 1kW RF signal source? CW only, 240V single
>ph. in, 50ohm out, 19" rack about 5' high (probably 2 or 3 cwt), blowers,
>all valves, tuned (with crystal) for 13MHz ISM band. Fine, no doubt, for
>sputtering, PVC welding etc. S.Manchester. Anyone seriously interested, own
>transport, mail me.
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