measures 2@vc.net
Fri, 1 Sep 2000 08:52:47 -0700

>I have a problem with an SB1000.  It works fine on all bands except
>I have replaced all the padding caps;  the amp draws 350 ma Ip, 70ma Ig,
>and passes thru the drive power of about 30 watts.
>I can get it to deliver about 200w but only if I take out the padder
>capacitor of 170mmf
>in the output section of the pie net, which also is needed on 80m to
>function properly.  

 Hello, Alex -- 200w out on 80m is too low.  

> I am beginning to suspect the toroid L9  but i do
>not understand the function of L9.  Can someone explain what L9 does?
>Is it an added l in the pie circuit?  I t also appears that 1/2 of L9
>stays in at 80m,  which works just fine with the right power, Ip, Ig
> ... ... 
 If max. power out occurs at either limit of the Tune-C or Load C,  the 
bandswitch may have contact problems.  A dental mirror and a flashlight 
are useful tools for checking bandswitch contacts.  


-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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