[AMPS] AL-1200

measures 2@vc.net
Fri, 1 Sep 2000 11:40:05 -0700

>>Ditto for
>> his decision to ignore Jenning's advice on using vac. relay speedup
>> circuits.  Switching operating bias to non-linear levels during soft
>> syllables is another example.
>I believe ETO incorporated the vacuum relay accelerator circuit at the
>introduction of their Alpha 77 (not Dx/Sx) in 1973 or thereabout.  

€  50v is not sufficient for a 26v relay.  According to my oscilloscope, 
c. 100v is needed. 
The relay has a 0.3H coil.   

>The circuit uses a series of diodes and electrolytic capacitors to achieve
>better contact start speed for the purpose of eliminating RF hot-switching

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