[AMPS] Who's who

A P apight@pa.net
Fri, 1 Sep 2000 19:40:19 -0000

The list of associations and opponents changes often. The product of the
process is information. Some more useful than others but interesting for at
least a while in each thread. I have garnered enough information to build a
really kick butt 3cx1000a7 6M amp. The amp incorporates many of the fine
ideas discussed on the list. . .and even works well. Also, many amp list
visitors amplifier problems have been solved. It's a great group and usually
has a soap opera or two going as well as the technical input.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-amps@contesting.com [mailto:owner-amps@contesting.com]On
Behalf Of michael watts
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 5:18 PM
To: List Amplifiers
Subject: [AMPS] Who's who

Would someone please summarize the allegiences of the
combatants here on the Amps list?

I have surmised that Tom Rauch designs the Ameritron
amps.  I know Toll_Free speaks up for CBers from time
to time and that Tom and Toll_Free have a bit of a
feud going

I know Rich Measures doesn't think of much of Dick
Ehrhorn and seems to have a feud going with Tom Rauch.
 But who is Rich?  What axe is he grinding?

Are there any other commercial interests or
professional design philosophies floating around that
I should be aware of?

Mike wy6k

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