[AMPS] Re: Continuos Duty Amp
Fri, 1 Sep 2000 15:19:04 -0700
>At 02:15 PM 9/1/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>>At 09:31 AM 9/1/00 -0500, you wrote:
>>>>> Ok, how does "1.5CCS" relate to 1.5 klW peak output
>>>>> power? What exactly does "CCS" translate to mean?
>>>>> "Continuous commercial service", maybe?
>>>>> 73, Jim, KH7M
>>>>That is correct.."Continuous Commercial Service."
>>>>To test for this, place a brick on your key with amp putting put
>>>>1500 watts. Come back in a week and see if it is still @ 1500 watts.
>>>>If, so, you probably have a CCS rated amp.
>>>>Phil, K5PC
>>>In my opinion buy surplus. If you really want a work horse and
>>>have the room forget the amateur desktop amps and get a used
>>>commercial or military amplifier that can loaf at 1500w out.
>>>Don't get me wrong, I love my old SB-220 desk top amplifier for the
>>>casual DX boast. But my Collins 204F is the DX/Contest king for a
>>>weekend's worth of heavy loafing at 1500w out.
>>€ When a dyed in the wool contestor/dxer talks about ''loafing at
>>1500W'' he is usually talking about ZSAC watts.
>>- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
>For what it's worth, the zero-signal anode-current or idling current on
>my 204F for a pair of 4CX1000A operating Class AB1 at 20% of rated
>anode current has it sitting there drawing 2.5Kw of primary input power
>when the plate is on, on a two-tone test at 1.5Kw peak output the input
>power is about 3.52Kw, a two-tone test at a full 2.5Kw peak output into
>a load the input power is 4.2Kw and for a CW signal at 2.5Kw average
>into a load the input power is 5.5Kw. So when I say loafing at 1.5Kw
>out I do mean a light load on the unit at legal limit when needed.
later, Steve
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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