[AMPS] Problem with SB-220 Bias Diodes

measures 2@vc.net
Sat, 2 Sep 2000 04:35:06 -0700

>Hi Rich,
>You constant habit of weaving personal attacks into technical 
>discussions ruins any hope of a meaningful conversation. 

Pointing to your practice of tossing things off is hardly a personal 
matter.  You do it.  I point.   
>happy to get into technical details on how anything works, but 
>engaging in an insult-trading thread is nonproductive. 
So pull the plug before I publish the autopsy photos of tubes that came 
from an AL-1500.  The writing is on the wall, Tom.  A lot of guys have 
lost tubes in this amplifier.  Your attempts to pass the buck to Eimac 
are a laugher.    Your constant denials are another.  

>I really have nothing else to add, except measuring the tube in a 
>text fixture (using the actual circuit values) or the actual unit for 
>feedthrough loss is the only way to determine the effects of grid 
>impedance on "shielding" inside the tube.
Numbers don't matter when the suppressors in a SB-220 intermittently burn 
up on the 40m band.  Given such evidence, virtually any bozo knows that a 
VHF parasite is in the neighborhood.  

>I still offer to send you a plot taken with a network analyzer 
>showing this effect. It would be most educational for people trying 
>to learn what really goes on inside a GG amplifier, and what 
>causes instability.
It seems a bit odd for the teacher to be a guy who doesn't understand 
scientific notation, who does not understand algebraic notation, who 
never took a Physics of Electricity course, who has little understanding 
of thermodynamics, and who claims that AC Circuit Analysis is not valid 
for parasitic suppressors.  
Why did you cancel your 28-November post and then refuse to discuss it?
Cheers, Tom

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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