[AMPS] Problem with SB-220 Bias Diodes

John den Boer johndb@dbtechnet.com
Sat, 2 Sep 2000 04:55:28 -0700

I would like to thank all of the people who answered my original post
specially Richard Measures and Tom Rouch.
The information presented was enlightening and informative albeit a bit
confusing at times.

The reason why I say enlightening is because in my field of electrical
engineering that includes the design of commercial power systems, lighting,
traffic signal instrumentation etc., the engineering principals are cut and
dried and there is no interpretation of basic applied engineering principals
such as voltage drop and system fault analysis.  In the field of RF Power
Engineering it appears, however that their is great deal of room for

Both Richard Measures and Tom Rouch are very intelligent, highly skilled and
respected engineers within the RF Power Engineering community.  The have
both contributed many publications advancing the knowledge base in this
field and have both contributed to the "design" and "development" of
products at the commercial level.  Having said that however, it is
disturbing that their various 'egos' interfere with the presentation of
their information.

Here is a basic summary of what I should do to improved the performance of
my SB-220 based on information posted in this group.

1. Replace the existing bias diodes with diodes having a 3A rating.
2. Increase the L in the existing parasitic suppressors.
3. Add current limiting protection in the form of a ten ohm RCD 175P series
HV pulse rated resistor.
3. Replace the existing 3-500Z tubes with new tubes (I would assume that you
would recommend getting good quality Amperex 3-500ZG instead of the generic
Chinese variety?).

Although "tube replacement" was a gray area in discussion, it would probably
be a good idea as they have an unknown history.

Thanks again all that responded,

John (VE7JDB)

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