[AMPS] Re: [Henry]

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Mon, 4 Sep 2000 11:47:48 -0500

Subject: [Henry]

> In the absence of obvious failures like tubes don't glow, tubes glow too
> brightly and make loud noises, foul odors or trips breakers, what
> indications would lead you to retube a 3-500Z amplifier?
> In my case, it is an 18-year old Henry 3K-A with the original finals.
> tnx es 73,
> Hank
1. Not making rated output power.
2. Meter indications not in "ball park" with manual.
3. Power output drops (sags) during long transmissions.
4. Plates not the same color when making power.

If you do re-tube. measure the filament voltage at the tube pins with a good
true-RMS voltmeter. Make sure the voltage is 5 volts or a little below for long
tube life.

Phil, K5PC

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