[AMPS] ????
Mon, 4 Sep 2000 17:35:15 -0700
>Well, I guess I will put this out to the board...asked Tom and Rick but no
€ I sent you a response on 8/31.
>I guess I have to insult or get argumentative to get a reply.
>Please note the two questions below.
>73 de KE4WY Jim
>Subj: Question
>Date: 9/3/00 11:44:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time
>To: W8JI@contesting.com
>Tom, since you were the creator of Ameritron.
€ Dennis Had was the founder of Ameritron. Mr. Had reportedly lost the
company in a divorce court decision.
>I was thinking of getting a
>legal limit Amp. Now using the AL-811H. Would you replace it with an
>AL-1200, AL-82 or AL-800H?? Which do you prefer??
>Just one other, personally do you like the AL-572 or the AL-80B...one over
>the other????
>Thanks in advance de KE4WY Jim
>Subj: Suggest
>Date: 8/31/00 8:56:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time
>To: 2@vc.net
>Rick, as far as a good legal limit commercial amp. What
>amps would you suggest?? Alpha 87A, Henry 3K Ultra, Commander, QRO,
>etc. Also any design problems with any of the companies I mentioned.
>Thanks for your time 73 de KE4WY Jim
My reply to Jim:
>Rick, as far as a good legal limit commercial amp. What
>amps would you suggest??
They all have problems. There is no perfect amplifier. For example, two
of the henry amps use 5.9v on 3-500Z filaments.
>Alpha 87A, Henry 3K Ultra, Commander, QRO,
>Ameritron etc. Also any design problems with any of the companies I
cheers, Jim
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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