[AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?

Jaime P.Ullívarri ea6nb@wanadoo.es
Wed, 6 Sep 2000 07:52:52 -0000

Hi Tom,
To cook the tubes for de-gassing, normally I left them on stby with a low
mains voltage ( maybe 180 to 200v using a variable mains transformer) for
several hours.
But I think you mean to have the amp at key-down at 300-400w dissipation at
lower anode voltage. It could be done also, at low mains + - 200v?
I am looking for an easy way to do it.
Best 73, Jaime EA6NB

> <<  not adequate to cook  >>
>                                      TOM: u mean cool....right?

No, I mean cook.

The context of my post was "cooking" the tube anodes to de-gas
the tubes by running the tubes at 300-400 watts dissipation for
several hours.

You would NOT want to do that even for 15 minutes with a 922
cooling system blowing on the tubes.

73, Tom W8JI

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