[AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 09:11:40 -0400

> Its sounds like you have found the an answer to what I thought was a
> imaginary problem if what you say is true and I dont doubt that it is then

I really didn't "find" anything. Anyone who works with high power 
PA's and understands them already knows everything I said. 

> I would hope these improvements would be on the very next  series of
> Ameritron  amps, the word would soon spread about the improvements. Market
> share would no doubt increase and Rich's customer base would dwindle. A
> simple kit could be devised for the adventurous ham or factory up grades
> could be done for minimal cost  or free ala Ruger Arms. the debate would
> be moot and of no  interest .

I'd wager any improvement would be publicized by a certain 
individual as a "step backwards" because it isn't the 1930's 
technology he promotes.  
> about the cause of these problems. Then the debates could focus on the
> best  designs to build homebrew amps and not repair and redesign store
> bought equipment   that shouldn't even need the covers off for several
> years. This is not meant to be an indictment of  Ameritron only   a review
> of the archives leaves no manufacture untouched the kenwood 922 as a

The reason the "debate" rages on is because some people make it 
a religious issue, rather than good science. You won't see many 
engineers arguing basics, because they all know how to measure 
things and apply circuit theory correctly.

The long drawn-out arguments occur when one person "knows" he 
is the only one who has all the answers, and his answers are the 
only correct answers because everyone else is part of a giant cover 

The evidence now is Firestone, which somehow proves parasitics 
do the damage Measures claims. He has the only cure, of course, 
if you send him money.

Everyone, from Kenwood to ETO to Ameritron....is stupid. The only 
person who really understands what he is doing is the guy who sits 
at home....and who has never designed a commercially 
manufactured HFPA in his life for anyone.

73, Tom W8JI

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