[AMPS] heating tubes....

measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 08:39:46 -0700

>measures wrote:
>>>measures wrote:
>>>>€  I have tested many metal anode-cooler 3-500Z tubes that g/fil. shorted 
>>>>after a big-bang.  The majority had under 3uA of grid/anode leakage at 
>>>>8000v.  The subsequent autopsies revealed no arc marks on the grid.  
>>>The reasons for observing low gas currents if you delay more than a few
>>>seconds after the event have been explained many times - "it's the
>>>gettering action".
>>In almost all cases, the mains breaker or mains fuses opened at the 
>>big-bang.  . 
>>>Does testing 3-500Zs cause amnesia? 
>>Gettering in cold 3-500Z's?.  Only in the Rauchian world.  
>If there is a chemically active surface (hot anode), gettering in a tube
>the size of a 3-500Z occurs on a timescale of seconds. 
>It only takes a very small release of trapped gas impurities to trigger
>an arc. If the tube was running and the anode was hot, that gas will be
>mopped up again before the anode cools. By the time you can get the tube
>to a hi-pot tester, the gas will probably be long gone.
>But you've been told that several times before: hence my comment about

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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