[AMPS] keep it simple, with good parts

measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 09:45:27 -0700

>I agree that the components, esp tubes, have improved since the early 
>designs. Capacitors are similarly lower L, and higher self-resonance. 
>For instance, to bypass the filament leads coming out of a Burle 4616 
>tetrode running at 200 MHz, we used to have a ring of 0.001 ceramic 
>disk capacitors around each stem of the tube. 

Typical 0.001uF disc ceramic capacitors resonate at c. 50MHz.  
Above the resonant freq., a capacitor looks inductive.  

> It was like a pair of 
>garters made from a two springs, that held the caps from the hot side 
>to ground side of an insulator ring. 4616 has internal mica bypass 
>capacitors in the vacuum envelope for both filaments and screen grid. 
>In this manner, this tetrode can run over 20 dB of power gain, at 
>200-450 Mhz range. Try that with any other gridded vacuum tube. ..


... interesting discourse, John.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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