[AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?

measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 12:39:44 -0700

>> > Its sounds like you have found the an answer to what I thought was a
>> > imaginary problem if what you say is true and I dont doubt that it is then
>>I really didn't "find" anything. Anyone who works with high power
>>PA's and understands them already knows everything I said.
>but not to be found on ameritron amps
Indeed.  Self-recognized amplifier "experts" seemingly can ill afford to 
confess to a design error. 

>> > I would hope these improvements would be on the very next  series of
>> > Ameritron  amps, the word would soon spread about the improvements. Market
>> > share would no doubt increase and Rich's customer base would dwindle. A
>> > simple kit could be devised for the adventurous ham or factory up grades
>> > could be done for minimal cost  or free ala Ruger Arms. the debate would
>> > be moot and of no  interest .
>>I'd wager any improvement would be publicized by a certain
>>individual as a "step backwards" because it isn't the 1930's
>>technology he promotes.
>A moot point till the improvements are seen The least troublesome ameritron 
>among owners seems to be the AL811 pretty close to 1930 technology
good point

>>The reason the "debate" rages on is because some people make it
>>a religious issue, rather than good science. You won't see many
>>engineers arguing basics, because they all know how to measure
>>things and apply circuit theory correctly.
>>You can say what you will, but in the last couple of years, Rich has been
>>the only one here who has been able to explain the fundamental problem with
>>the TL-922 -- lack of parasitic suppression.  I can also tell you from
>>first-hand experience with well over a dozen formerly unruly TL-922s sent
>>to me for repair and modification, plus two of my own TL-922s that used to
>>eat bandswitches, that his suppressers have "tamed the beast."  My judgment
>>as a BSEE, MSEE, and soon-to-be Ph.D., is that his analysis is sound and
>>well thought-out.  Additionally, the implementation of his "solution" on
>>the 14+ TL-922s that I have worked on would further attest to the validity
>>of his analysis.
>apparently Mr Kesslers degrees are invalid and it is a religious issue 
>with him

>>Everyone, from Kenwood to ETO to Ameritron....is stupid. The only
>>person who really understands what he is doing is the guy who sits
>>at home....and who has never designed a commercially
>>manufactured HFPA in his life for anyone.
>I cant vouch for the stupidity or intelligence of kenwood to ETO to 
>Ameritron or what Rich does or doesn't do at home but as long as 
>manufacturers keep doing things like putting 3-500 in PC board sockets 
>instead of tube sockets, building junk power supplies, using cheaply made 
>parts from front to back and then selling it all at a premium prices they 
>will be suspect with the consumer. ....

The Ameritron 1000pF (Xc = -j88-ohms at 1.8MHz) high voltage RF 
bypass-capacitor deserves mention.  

cheers, Dave

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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