[AMPS] TL-922, science, and degrees.
Don Kessler
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 21:30:49 -0400
PLEASE! Take your own lead, and stop the "hand-waving" and provide the
science behind the remedy for the TL-922 instability.
No disrespect intended -- But I enjoy a good technical discussion. No more
metaphores, or body parts, please -- just layout the facts as you see them
and explain why the nichrome suppressors have worked in 14 TL-922s. Or,
better yet, provide your own scientifically-based explaination why the
nichrome suppressor can't work.
73, de Don (ki6sz)
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From: INTERNET:W8JI@contesting.com, INTERNET:W8JI@contesting.com
TO: (unknown), INTERNET:amps@contesting.com
DATE: 09-07-00 4:17 PM
RE: [AMPS] TL-922, science, and degrees.
My physics instructor told me one more 357 more degrees and I
would be a big wheel like him.
Seriously, we have to be able to sort hand-waving out from science.
When you shotgun something, and make an entire list of changes,
it doesn't mean that the theories behind those changes are correct.
I can give you a list of changes, backed by pure rubbish theories,
and the if the changes "seem to work four times" it doesn't prove a
We should learn that early on in our educations and life, not at the
end. Some people never learn it, many of them become cult heros.
73, Tom W8JI
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Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 16:16:54 -0400
Subject: [AMPS] TL-922, science, and degrees.
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