[AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?

measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 19:26:02 -0700

>At 01:45 PM 9/7/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>>> >The evidence now is Firestone, which somehow proves parasitics
>>> >do the damage Measures claims. He has the only cure, of course,
>>> >if you send him money
>>I believe Rich's cure can be easily invoked by anyone wanting to build a
>>nichrome wire-based VHF suppressor without having to send a dime to
>>him...unless Rich holds all rights to the world's supply of nichrome and
>>metal-film power resistors.
>>I find the financial motive to be particularly interesting.  Something tells
>>me one could make more money with a neighborhood paper route than filling
>>the "high-demand, highly lucrative" market of selling VHF suppressors.   I
>>don't see a NASDAQ IPO happening anytime in Rich's near or distant future.
>I agree. You can't make any significant money selling parts or specialized
>kits like Rich does. It is naive for anyone to suggest that Rich would
>expend the personal energy that he has, supporting his controversial views,
>just so he could continue to sell a few hundred or a couple of thousand
>dollars of goods per year. The dollars are just a guess on my part.
Good guesses, Phil.  I started selling suppressor retrofit kits in Nov. 
of 1988 due to QST-reader requests.  The reason I continue to sell 
retrofit kits is that my 14-year old helper:   needs job experience,  
enjoys doing the job,  enjoys earning her own money and likes to consult 
with yours truly on math homework.  

later, Paul, W9AC

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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