[AMPS] TL-922

Jim Reid kh7m@hsa-kauai.net
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 20:21:47 -1000

Seems to me the same questions are asked repeatedly.
And none are answered!

Example,  again,  from Tom:

> What exactly did you change in the amplifier, and do to the 
> amplifier? Are you saying the only thing you did was install new 
> suppressors, and all the problems went away? No other parts, no 
> other adjustments?
And,  again,  from Don:
> > So again, please tell me EXACTLY which (bad, defective, etc.,)
> > component(s) in a functioning stock TL-922 should be 
> > replaced to prevent the amp from going "Bang!" and self 
>> destructing.  

And,  Tom's reply,  again:

> I'll try to keep it a dialog, instead of a monolog. Please tell me, 
> what did you do? Just add nichrome? No other changes?

> Give me an example please, of what you do beside add 
> nichrome...if anything.

Seems to me Don has twice answered/implied that all done
to the 922 was to add Rich's kit.  Again,  Don has asked
Tom what components Tom replaces INSTEAD of adding the 
nichrome wire.  Instead of answering,  Tom wonders what
else was done besides adding the nichrome kit,  again!

Or am I wrong?  Sure seems this discussion is going in
a circle!

Or,  maybe after months/years of this,  my mind has
just gone numb,  and can no longer find a coherent

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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