[AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 10:23:05 -0400

> >You can get MANY times the normal AC voltage.
> >
> A test by the owner of a SB-220 indicated that the max. mistune potential
> for the tank was 3700v.  My own tests semi-confirm this.  

It's limited by what breaks down, and the loaded Q of the tank. I 
can easily get ten times that amount using HV rated parts in a PA.

I've measured higher voltages in the 220, although even 3700 volts 
is enough to arc the air variable and bandswitch under some 

People at home, tune up your PA's. Unhook the antenna and short 
the output port of your PA. Apply full drive, and tell me if you hear 
any sizzling noises or bangs in the tank or tube!  

If you have technical points, besides insults or childish things like 
zzzzzzz, I'll address them. As you know, I am not allowed in the 
mud with you.

73, Tom W8JI

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