[AMPS] SELL:8877 RF Deck Components

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm@juno.com
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 11:40:15 -0400

SELL: A complete array of parts to build a big gun 8877 (3CX1500A7)
amplifier including, 10-160m coil wound on a porcelain ceramic form
(w/mounting feet); Radio Switch 1 pole 11 position bandswitch. Will
handle 15KW++ and the WARC bands; drop in Johnson 8877 porcelain ceramic
socket with grid to ground tabs; cut down, slip on  (tabs removed)  Eimac
chimney; HV plate choke wound with #20 enameled wire on 1" porcelain
ceramic rod-tapped on each end for easy mounting;plate cap. $195+
shipping ($120 if you need only the bandswitch and coil for a tuner
project)  Ron W2CQM New York City


Epilogue: See QRZ.COM for the listing of the  most recent articles
written  for QST and 73 Magazine authored by W2CQM.

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