[AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 16:40:39 +0100

Tom said:

>Then the input impedance is reduced. 

Not necessarily. Depends on the relative values. But it is speculative........

	>I can measure it. If you wife looks at the lottery payoff, and it is a 
	>different number, the chances of her having won are what we can 
	>consider zero.

But there is a finite chance she'll win. Not me - I don't buy tickets on the
basis that lotteries are a tax on people who can't do maths.Funny - her math is
far better than mine!

	>I'm sure Rich's suppressors would help PA's like Clipperton L's, 
      >because they oscillate on or near ten and 15 meters. 

Do those use 572B's? If so, all bets are off - those things are horrors!
Designed originally, I believe, for Class B zero bias modulator service - not


Peter G3RZP

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