[AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?
YZ6X Sasha Kraljevich
Sun, 10 Sep 2000 12:42:12 +0200
----- Original Message -----
From: jeff millar <jeff@wa1hco.mv.com>
To: Jim Reid <kh7m@hsa-kauai.net>; AMPS <amps@contesting.com>
Sent: 11. september 2000 7:22
Subject: Re: [AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?
Why mix the politics with AMPs? What US foreign politics has to do with
purpose of this reflector? Better like parasitics!
> - focus on detail's
> - zero give on any point
> - lack of respect
> - inability to admit any errors
> - failure to return to the main point
> - repetitive
> - trying to stay "even"
> - "preaching to the converted"
> - word games
> - focus on debating points
> - getting personal
> - lots of perceived slights
> The closest thing in recent times that match the pattern we see here is
> interviews with Serbs, Croatians and some Bosnians. Key characteristics
> seem to be
Oooooops! It's not even about US politics. I just noticed it in a
paragraph above.
My humble apologies.
73 Sasha YZ6X
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