[AMPS] Shorted Pi-Network Turns

measures 2@vc.net
Sun, 10 Sep 2000 17:00:39 -0700

>> The SB1000 had about 50 times the switch failures (as determined
>> by parts shipped to customers) of the nearly identical AL80A.
>> The reasons were:
>> 1.) A looser spec on the transformer no-load to full-load voltage
>> change.
>> 2.) No buck-boost winding to adjust power line voltage.
>> 3.) No anti-corona washer at an area in the switch where voltage
>> gradient is a problem.
>Not true in all cases. The last SB-1000 I built had specific instructions
>in the manual on installing the washer. The band switch crispy-crittered
€  I have heard the same thing from owners who replaced a bandswitch with 
an AL-80 bandswitch.  
>> 4.) No control over assembly and wiring, including relay contact
>> adjustments.
>5.) Improper component selection in the padder caps.
>      (this one added by K5PC)
Did you notice if Mr. Rauch answered my question about who designed the 
AL-80 when Dennis Had owned Ameritron?  thanks

cheers, Phil

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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