[AMPS] Voltage at antenna end. de K0FF

Mon, 11 Sep 2000 09:33:26 -0500

W3BP was asking about the voltage at the end of an antenna. I've been
thinking about that too,
Looking at a center fed 1/2 wave dipole: At 1500Watts, the 50 Ohm feedpoint
sees 273V at 5.5 Amps if my math is correct. The end of the antenna is a
very high impedance, and I'm just guessing at 3300 Ohms. It could be more.
Based on end feeding a 1/2 wave we must match 3-5kOhms. The current is
minimal but the voltage peaks, and it works out that 2-3KV would be present.
Experience and gut feeling tell me that it must be or at least can be more
than that. Anyone have the real figures? I doubt that we can take a direct

Perhaps at the very end the current is zero and the voltage is
infinite...not probable, but the range of possibility is large. Geo>K0FF

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