[AMPS] Voltage at antenna end.

Chuck Counselman ccc@space.mit.edu
Mon, 11 Sep 2000 16:19:48 -0400

>Question - the discussion so far would seem to apply to,say,
>the ends of an 80 meter dipole being used on 80.
>Would it also apply to the trap area of an 80 meter dipole that
>had 40 meter traps and was being used on 40 meters?

Yes, but bear in mind that:

(1) a trap is generally lossier than an end-insulator, and the equivalent
parallel conductance of the trap can load down and reduce the voltage at
the hot side of the trap;

(2) even a lossless trap has finite reactance at any frequency but its
dead-center resonant frequency, and the nonzero susceptance also loads down
and reduces the voltage at the hot side of the trap; and

(3) the finite size of the trap provides capacitance to "infinity" that
loads down and reduces the voltage at the hot side of the trap.

-Chuck W1HIS

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