[AMPS] Voltage at antenna end. de K0FF

Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX RMcGraw@InfoAve.Net
Mon, 11 Sep 2000 22:40:48 -0700

I still think a good dummy load will work better.


Frank Ayers wrote:
> >Galvanized Iron electric fence wire is cheap and reduces Q nicely.  >Since
> losses are high, it reduces noise pick up on receive - >especially from
> stations a long distance away.
> >Colin  K7FM
> Boy, you're right!. I just stuck up an 80 meter dipole made of #14
> galvanized fence wire that was outside for the last 5 years. Compared to my
> #12 stranded copper dipole, I'm much less bothered by those pesky signals
> from europe when listening to the locals.
> Frank
> --
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