[AMPS] Fair is fair

measures 2@vc.net
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 12:24:19 -0700

>From:           	Wt8r@aol.com
>Date sent:      	Tue, 12 Sep 2000 11:52:11 EDT
>Subject:        	Re: [AMPS] Grid protection
>To:             	W8JI@contesting.com, amps@contesting.com
>> Is this really necessary? I thought Tom wanted a kinder, more gentle
>> world.  
>Your complaints would have more meaning if you also complained 
>about Measures, who has not let up for an instant in the past 
>several years. Fair is fair. 
>> Isn't Tom the one who said that we must stop the politics of personal
>> destruction?
>Yes, and I'd be happy to do that when it becomes a uniformly 
>applied policy. Selective enforcement of good manners never works.
>> Tom is always on the band wagon about cheap shots from Rich and here he is
>> leading the parade. 
>Yep. You are right. I'll agree in an instant to never do a personal 
>comments if Rich and others, like you, agree to the same.
>Until then, we all have to live with this stuff. It is the policy of this 
>reflector to allow personal attacks. Personal attacks simply create 
>more personal attacks.
>I'm am simply trying to "fit in" with the crowd, WT8R included!  
>> Apparently Tom feels he can do NO WRONG and feels that Rich does little
>> that is right.
>Rich says some things that are right, and I point them out. You 
>however, never pipe up on technical issues. You only appear to 
>give your personal opinions on what I am allowed to do.
>You are not the owner of this list.

>If everyone is sick of personal comments, than ask the list owner 
>to stop ALL personal attacks equally and fairly...whether they be 
>from Rich, me, or WT8R...who apparently has decided he sets the 
>moral standards of the group.

To shut Rich up we need to stop ALL use of embarrasin' quotes.  

>I'd be much happier here, and the list would be much better off, if 
>everyone behaved. That includes WT8R, myself, and Rich equally.
Behaved means no quotes.   
Tom -- Who designed the original AL-80?
later, Tom

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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