[AMPS] Fair is fair

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 18:39:19 -0400

I'd like to apologize to WT8R:

> >  Rich says some things that are right, and I point them out. You 
> >  however, never pipe up on technical issues. You only appear to 
> >  give your personal opinions on what I am allowed to do.
> You are absolutely wrong.
>         I was the person who explained to you and your minion John Ogden
>         that 
> the energy which powers parasitic oscillations comes from the transmitter
> power supply.  The initiation of same was due to a photon event or ?
> Remember?

I looked it up and Dave is correct. 

About one year ago he made a technical contribution by telling us 
the power supply of an amplifier supplies power to the tube.

73, Tom W8JI

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