[AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?
Jim Reid
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 18:29:45 -1000
> Autopsies are still dependant on interpretation and
> imagination as to causes of damage.
Speaking of which, Rich was to have rcvd some tubes
for just that purpose on the weekend. Did I miss the
results while I was out pouting?
Rich keeps wanting to know who designed the "origianal"
AL-80. I presume the implication is that Tom did. So
I also asked Rich to send me the e-mail to which he keeps
referring from sometime in 1996. All I wanted to read
was the ONE post to which he continues to refer where
Tom made some great ERROR, per Rich.
But, what I rcvd was enough reading material to last
from now into next year sometime -- you wouldn't believe
how many e-mails, and all the headers and indentations
as they overran the formats of the various "old" email
programs being used in those days, etc.! I do not want
to read all this same stuff we read to day, as it was
also expressed 4 years ago. All I wanted was the ONE
key problem point to which Rich continually berates
at Tom!
So, I am no better off than before in my attempt to really
understand what Rich continually refers to. If it is some
aura, spread out across months of back and forth e-mails,
that will do me, at least, absolutely no benefit.
As to the format of the debate today, Rich ALWAYS includes
all the preceding threat re-posts, or what ever they are called,
with usually only a few cryptic words somewhere along the
long, long way, or right at the very end!!
That is why this thread on this reflector can become so
confounded irritating!! R-sup vs. Rs vs. Q is/is not important,
vs. ............ SO WHAT are your attempting to achieve, Rich????
To completely and absolutely "trash" Tom R. ??? If so,
for what possible useful to the world reason? I guess
just for your own ego purpose ......
Jim, KH7M
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