[AMPS] A good example

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 09:40:39 -0400

Here's a good example of what drags this out so long:

Subject:        	RE: [AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?
Date sent:      	Tue, 12 Sep 2000 18:34:10 -0700
From:           	measures <2@vc.net>
To:             	"AMPS" <amps@contesting.com>

> >    My electronics instructor used to say often the problems with a
> >    circuit
> >is the component you can't see. Especially with RF circuits.
> >
> Amen to that, Bill.  Who would ever have guessed that there is a 
> Z-step-up L-network hidden inside the Tune-C in a 922?

Well, there ISN'T a "Z-step-up L-Network" hidden in the tuning cap 
of a TL-922 that I'm aware of.

I measured a tuning cap for the AL-80A, and found the impedance 
crossed nearly zero in a smooth curve at upper VHF/lower UHF, 
and Rich tried to change that to a TL922 and make the impedance 
curve different!

The reply Rich posted is an example why measurements won't 
solve this argument. I'm of the opinion this is a time-wasting 
exercise, because anything anyone measures will be modified by 
Rich to fit his needs, just like the measurements N7WS made.

N7WS made independent measurements, reached the same 
conclusion I had reached years earlier, and Rich modified the 
results. When that happens over and over again, it is impossible to 
resolve anything.

73, Tom W8JI

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