[AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 07:51:20 -0700
>> Dave- pardon interjection, but, as an old modeler (of Physical systems,
>> in the rocket business) I want to make an observation- The systems to be
>> modelled MAY NOT BE SUBJECTED TO VHF OR UHF PARASITICS at all. That is yet
>> to be proven. All the modeling in the world will never convince Rich that
>> there is no parasitic. All the modeling in the world will not convince Tom
>> that there is.
>I've never said there CAN'T be parasitics, please don't put words
>into my mouth.
€ With testing of AL-1500 dud 8877s imminent, Tom seemingly hedges his
bets. .
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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