[AMPS] Blown TL922A... What to do?

Phil (VA3UX) phil@vaxxine.com
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 19:02:53 -0400

I conversed with Walt several months ago. His book came up near the end of
the conversation and it appears that a new edition is in the works, to be
published by a different organization.  This was all tentative at the time
but he was working on it.

Jerry Sevick is another great thinker/writer that the league seems to have
turned their back on.


At 09:26 AM 9/13/2000 -1000, you wrote:
>Paul wrote,  in part:
>> Notwithstanding the ARRL's procedure for accepting an 
>> article for publication in the first place, a professional journal 
>> would have dealt with this issue in a true professional
>> manner...
>(and would have)
>> The League's review board, functioning as an unbiased 
>> mediator would, much like a court trial, review all evidence 
>> presented by both parties and decide what, if any action
>> should be taken to correct any technical inaccuracies or 
>> deficiencies based on prima-facia evidence.
>> Instead, the League decided to form an ad-hoc review board (the
>> "contributors") without disclosing their rationale for selecting these
>> individuals.  Several contributors were far from being financially
>> disinterested.
>This sort of action smacks of what happened to Walt Maxwell's
>material and his reputation as a result of an approach to the
>ARRL by a famous former Collins Radio amplifier engineer.
>This person asserted that Maxwell's material was all wrong.
>That actual SSB power amplifiers wanted to see high output
>SWR to be most efficient,  and that Walt's claims that a 
>conjugate match,  applying the Conjugate Matching Theorem
>was all wrong!  
>I,  of course,  thought it was the job of the typical Pi-L 
>matching network to "match"  the high Z from the
>amp to the low Z of the feedline coax;  and from that
>terminal on,  the Conjugate Match theory would be
>applicable....as I presume does Maxwell,  but this
>belief is not shared by Maxwell's detractors. This
>former sentence is my thought,  not anothers!
>The result was the removal of Maxwell's material from ARRL
>publications,  and semmingly without printed comment about
>the removal in QST or any other publication,  so far as I know.
>Evidently,  in Maxwell's case,  not even an "ad hoc" review
>board was consulted before just dropping Maxwell.  Only the
>single complainer,  with  reputation,  seemed needed.
>Also,  the League did not reprint Walt's book,  "Reflections".
>There has remained quite a market demand for the book.
>It is now about to be republished,  as a new edition,  by a
>different organization.
>Further,  Maxwell has prepared material in support of his
>positions and has submitted same to the "new" QEX
>publication/editors.  It would seem that,  so far,  he is
>still being "overlooked"  by the ARRL!
>It really is too bad that Maxwell's material was not also
>peer reviewed in a professional manner rather than just
>evidently dropped and judged henceforth to be worth only
>73,  Jim,  KH7M  
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