[AMPS] Interesting projects -- All Mode KW Transmitter

William Fuqua Wlfuqu00@pop.uky.edu
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 09:48:38 -0400

Oh, no!!!! here is the DAF amp discussion again but solid state this time!!!!
I am very interested in how this turns out. If the experiment is successful
it would support the DAF theory.

Bill wa4lav

At 09:34 AM 9/14/00 -0400, Bruce R. Knox wrote:

>   4. A limiting amp (to make Class D) followed by a two watt stage which
>may operate either Class A for test or Class D for real.
>   5. A legal limit Class D amp modulated by a switching amplifier powered
>by a power factor corrected (PFC) input circuit.  Output filtering &
>tuning will be by means a whole bunch of coils & capacitors switched
>by... about 32 relays. An independent SWR protection circuit will
>directly reduce the voltage to the finals, to prevent awful things from
>happening should something screw up in the software.
>   The modulator, sampled at 96KHz, will be driven by a digital pulse
>width generator with 11 bit resolution  (ECL parts -- clocked at 200
>MHz).  It will implement the envelope restoration for SSB, envelope
>shaping for CW, direct modulation for AM and power control for FM, CW,
>AM, & SSB.

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