[AMPS] MLA-2500/4cx400a tube conversion
Tom Hix W4TH
Sun, 17 Sep 2000 13:57:59 -0500 (CDT)
I recently sold Jerry (N0XWR) a set of 4CX400A tubes to be used in a
conversion he wanted to do on his MLA-2500 amp. As many of you know the
MLA-2500 came with the 8875 tubes, and now they are just about
impossible to find. Svetlana has several tube conversion plans on their
website for the MLA-2500. I think they offer plans for the 4cx400a, the
4cx800a, and the 3cx800a7 tubes. Jerry, did the conversion using a pair
of the 4cx400a tubes. I wanted to share with you a couple of messages he
sent to me about the conversion. What he has to say could be of
importance to others of you who may do the conversion in the future.
From: jholcomb@janics.com (Jerry Holcomb)
Hello Tom, I received the pair of 4cx400a tubes on Friday, and they are
now working just great in my MLA-2500 conversion. I am getting about
800-900 watts out with only 30 watts of drive on 40, 80 and 160, I
haven't had time to try the other bands yet.
The conversion is the one from the Svetlana website and I had great
phone help from Bob Alper who wrote the article as I was going along
with the conversion. incidentally, if you talk to someone who is going
to do the conversion from the website article, tell them there are some
errors (typos) in the text and on one schematic where the polarities are
reversed on some caps. Bob acknowledged the errors to me and said he
would have Svetlana correct them. Feel free to tell people to
contact me about the conversion if they have questions. Thanks again.
Ok there you have it. As Jerry said, feel free to contact him about any
questions you may have about the conversion he did. It is good to hear
that the conversion does work out very well. The MLA-2500 is much too
good an amp to be thrown on the junk pile just because the tubes for it
are no longer available. Maybe with these conversions they will have a
second chance.
Thanks for your time.
Be sure to visit my web sites.
Amateur radio amp tubes.
Ham Radio Homepage.
Tube Lamps.
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