[AMPS] BC610... no 833's

George T. Daughters gdaught6@leland.Stanford.EDU
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 08:46:12 -0700

It was written...

"BC-610 output tank coils that were used in a plate modulated
c1940 transmitter that ran a pushpull pair of 833 modulated by 810's 
(? before my time).  The BC-610 tank used a nifty swinging coil 
output link coupling."

I'm sure the BC610 that I used when I was a radio operator for Uncle 
Sam was a single 250-TH modulated by a pair of 100-TH's.  It did have 
a nifty-but-clumsy output tank, but it wasn't bandswitched.  If I 
were building a new amp for serious use, I wouldn't use much of this 
technology.  If I were going for the nostalgic orange glow, I'd used 
a more modern tube, like a 3-500  (and don't forget the nice purple 
glow of the Hg rectifier tubes!)


George T. Daughters, K6GT

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