[AMPS] 3-500z repair question
Bill Vogler
Thu, 21 Sep 2000 19:36:40 -0700
> >
> >I know this has been covered in the past, but I can't remember, or find
> >answer to my question.
> >
> >I have a 3-500z that has the solder melted in the pins of the heater
> >element. It came from a poorly designed (LK500A) amplifier that doesn't
> >adequate cooling in the socket area. The filaments don't light up. In the
> >past this has happened and I simply re-melted the solder in the filament
> >pins and this fixed the problem. This time it didn't work and the
> >don't light up. Is there any special technique that a
> >can perform to get this tube back to health?
> >
> 1. plug tube into an unoccupied shoe, anode down.
> 2. remove the pin assembly with a rapidly moving propane torch.
> 3. remove all tin-lead solder with solder-wick.
> 4. paint all of the surfaces that need to be soldered with rosin flux.
> 5. tin with 6% AG / 94% Sn silver solder and resolder. Add solder as
> needed.
> 6. remove solder flux residue with everclear or denatured ethanol.
> -- note - do not mix tin/lead solder with silver solder.
> cheers, Bill
> - Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
> end
I Want to thanks Rich for the instructions on how to re-solder the filament
pins in my 3-500Z tube. It worked like a champ.
I was ready to give up on this group with the latest mud-slinging and
bickering, but it's encouraging to see this Reflector can still be of
service. Wish we could get back to building amps ;^)
Bill, W6QD
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