[AMPS] Siemens RS 1026 What is it??

Mike Baker k7dd@earthlink.net
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 09:07:23 -0700

Hello Gang,
    Just picked up a tube that I can't seem to find any info on.  It is
a Siemens RS 1026.  It has a glass bulb that resembles a 3-400Z or
3-500Z and uses the same socket.  I am told that this is a medium mu
triode but little else was passed on.  Can anyone of you come up with
some specs and perhaps some graphs so I could decide weather or not to
use this for an amp or not?  If its medium mu then GG is most likely out
but grid driven is still applicable and if it has ratings that are near
the 3-500Z specs then it could be put into a single tube desk amp at say
750W output and serve some useful purpose.  Otherwise it becomes a paper
    BTW, I checked Svetlana's web page, a page in Russia that lists many
of their tubes, Eimacs Page and Richardson Electronics page and came up
dry so if any of you know another source that will work, please let me
    Thanks for you help in advance.

    Mike Baker  K7DD
    Peoria, AZ.
    Where it gets so hot, I saw a tree chasing a dog!

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