[AMPS] Amp using 833A
William Fuqua
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 13:50:28 -0400
At 04:09 PM 9/25/00 +0100, you wrote:
>No, it's application of tube technology. A tube that will do push-pull AB2
>will do parallel or push pull AB2 RF. There's nothing magic in parallel v.
>push-pull when tuned tank circuits are used.
I'll have to disagree here. A single tube neat cut off. This is still the
case when
they are in parallel. However, in push-pull class AB this non-linearity can
be reduced at
crossover (near zero-crossing). As one tube is turning off the other is
beginning to
conduct. There are lots of examples in articles about Push-Pull amplifiers
in the
older books and in hi-fi books.
I will agree that there would be no difference if operation is class B
or C. And distortion
far from zero-crossing would not be affected either.
Bill wa4lav
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