[AMPS] Drake L7: first check

Bill Turner w7ti@jps.net
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 11:21:56 -0700

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 17:55:45 +0100, Chris Tran GM3WOJ wrote:

>>Well, I have opened the L7 and have mechanically defeated the interlocks
>>and removed the plate caps.
Even with the interlocks un-defeated, be careful.  Ameritron several
years ago made a wiring error on at least one AL-1200 (mine) which
caused about 400 vdc to appear on the HV line with the interlock

I sent a note to the factory including schematic showing the wiring
error but they never even replied.  I did hear later through a third
party that it caused quite a stir at the factory.  As far as I know
there was never a recall or even notification to the amateur
community.  I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't a number of
AL-1200s out there right now with this potentially deadly mistake
still inside.

I know your amp is an L7, but the point is be careful anyway.

73, Bill W7TI

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