[AMPS] Watt meters

Paul Christensen paulc@mediaone.net
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 22:35:21 -0400

>wanted their VFD watt meter. They have a three week or better waiting time.

Count your blessings.  In the corporate telecommunications world, nothing is
in stock or inventoried...and I mean nothing.  Every piece of equipment or
component that I project manage is 6 - 10 weeks after receipt of order.  The
manufacturers want nothing on their inventory ledger, for it may show a
weakness in their financial ratio reporting.  JIT inventory is the goal.

Regarding the VFD:  I could never justify its price, despite its alleged
accuracy. For several hundred dollars, I expect a display in metal case with
a nice fit and finish...not a plastic project case.  Instead, I use Bird
ThruLine components.  For me, four elements cover all my HF and VHF
operating habits.

-Paul, W9AC

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