[AMPS] AL-80B Amps

Phil (VA3UX) phil@vaxxine.com
Wed, 27 Sep 2000 10:53:34 -0400

At 06:44 AM 9/27/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>>It just boggles my mind the kind of comments we see popping up on the
>>this reflector. I hope you have an elmer at the radio club and I hope
>>your elmer has read the ARRL handbook. I think that reading and
>>understanding the handbook should be mandatory to obtain an amateur
>>license. The handbook is not perfect but it gives you a good start down
>>the road.
>There is nothing in my ARRL Handbook on why 3-500Zs get grid/filament 
>shorts - or how one can protect against such failures. 

You have a one-track mind. That isn't what Steve was referring to.  He was
referring to the fact that some "operators" were surprised to find HV at
the anode of a fully powered amplifer when the amp was in 'Standby'.
Taking this just a step further, he's suggesting that such a "surprise" is
the result of inadequate education of the technology being used by the


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