Tarrant David vq9jt@cwnetdg.io
Wed, 27 Sep 2000 16:16:38 +0100

Thanks for the input on the HV status of ham amps.  I have worked
with military, broadcasting and the merchant marine electronics  for 
most of my life.  All of their amps dump the B+ in standby.  So, 
thanks for the lessons learned when dealing with these types of amps.

And, I can see why you guys fight so much on the reflector.  No
where did I say that we stuck our hand inside the live amp, that is
why they have a meter switch to observe the voltage with the cover
closed.  It was an examination of the drawing that revealed that this
was the normal condx for that amp.  Anyway, I am not looking for
any comments back from the normal few.  Thanks again.


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