dcckc dcckc@ncn.net
Wed, 27 Sep 2000 12:46:11 -0500

I believe it was earlier this year that someone was soundly roasted for not 
allowing HV to be present in his shack except during TX and designed his 
homebrew equipment accordingly. Let this also be a lesson on commenting on 
the design of commercially manufactured amps, though the same people 
complain about the lack of technical input to the list at least when theres 
no new meat to chew. The first lesson to remember is you have no technical 
expertise unless it is assigned by the chosen few (kind of like the ARRL) 
witness the responses to EE's that fall on the wrong side of the isle.
Dave / WB0PKK

>Thanks for the input on the HV status of ham amps.  I have worked
>with military, broadcasting and the merchant marine electronics  for
>most of my life.  All of their amps dump the B+ in standby.  So,
>thanks for the lessons learned when dealing with these types of amps.
>And, I can see why you guys fight so much on the reflector.  No
>where did I say that we stuck our hand inside the live amp, that is
>why they have a meter switch to observe the voltage with the cover
>closed.  It was an examination of the drawing that revealed that this
>was the normal condx for that amp.  Anyway, I am not looking for
>any comments back from the normal few.  Thanks again.

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