[AMPS] AL-80B Amps

Steve ve3tu@rac.ca
Wed, 27 Sep 2000 21:40:57 -0400

In the original post Joe made a statement in regards to a dangerous
situation with the AL-80b having the B+ on with the amp turned on. I
failed to see to see where the dangerous situation could come from. Then
Joe made a statement as to working "with" commercial radio equipment
which turns off the B+ in standby mode. I would like to know if Joe
thinks this is less dangerous to operate in this manner. If Joe's
statements are in regards to servicing either type of equipment then we
are talking about something else completely, then the owner's manual or
the service manual procedures should be followed. I would like Joe to
clarify his statement. I have work with, on. and built several amps and
had the opportunity to feel several hundred volts from power supplies
and a few zaps from the charge build up on tune and load caps that is
until I changed the location of the bleeder "safety" choke on the
output. I do work on amps with the covers off and powered up but I keep
one hand in my pocket and the other hand on a HV dividing probe or some
times use an infrared pyrometer to do temperature checks, but that's as
far as I go with the the amp plugged in. I do know of several hams that
had several KV go through them and from what they tell me it is not a
pleasant experience. I know of a ham that has done this several times,
guess he has nine lives and has a few more to go before he uses them all
up. I would like Joe to clarify his statement because the statements
made by Joe seem odd for someone involved with radio equipment for such
a long period of time.

73 es gl es b safe Steve

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