[AMPS] collins 30L - 1

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Sat, 30 Sep 2000 11:26:32 -0400

> I received a collins 30L-1.  The ham who gave it to me said it had not
> been on in over 20 years.  I replaced several parts (cap, rest, etc)
> including the 811A tubes.  The key down on most of the bands is about 700
> watts or less.  I was wondering it the transformer might be bad.  The D.C
> volts is about 1800.  Do any of you have and suggestions.  I am driving

Hi Dan,

When transformers go bad, they either are totally "dead" on one or 
more windings or they spew smoke and stink. 

Why do you expect your Collins to run a kilowatt out? 600 watts 
would be plenty to expect. Do you have a manual, or just the amp?

73, Tom W8JI

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