[AMPS] TL-922 followup

William F. Hagen whagen@inreach.com
Tue, 03 Apr 2001 21:25:35 -0800

Greetings all, just to say thanks to everyone for the advice on my amp
I replaced the capacitor in the tank circuit that had popped, it was the
extra one, not shown on the schematic, and I replaced the missing one
which was c45, across the coil, not sure what to call that one, the end
of the tank?
Anyway, the darn thing works again, no problems, except it does seem
difficult to tune at the bottom end of the 160 meter band. The dip is
almost off the dial. I am wondering if a little more fixed capacitance
would help, or maybe less, not sure.
Luckily it was not a fried band switch or any other expensive part.
I got lucky this time.
William F. Hagen kc6ufe

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