[AMPS] Re: QB5/1750 russian equiv.
Wed, 4 Apr 2001 07:42:18 EDT
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You are right, possibly those tubes were not build in russia but DDR.
We bought about 40 RS457 from Oppermann at 60,- DM each,
all were brandnew.
So far only 1 failed by an open antenna-relais... ( after 15 minutes )
My personal amp with 3 tubes was build 1978 and never failed, still using the
same tubes by Valvo.
I am used to run Drake equipment, so hate blowers.
All amps at OTxA and DF0CG are build with a pair of those tubes and run
perfectly well.
So far I build or supported the construction of at least 20 amplifiers with
QB5/1750 / RS457.
If you or a friend intend to come to Friedrichshafen it will be my
pleasure to let you have 2 or 3 of those RS457 if you like.
I am shure that I never run out of spare tubes.
73 de Peter, DF3KV
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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>Traian,
<BR>You are right, possibly those tubes were not build in russia but DDR.
<BR>We bought about 40 RS457 from Oppermann at 60,- DM each,
<BR>all were brandnew.
<BR>So far only 1 failed by an open antenna-relais... ( after 15 minutes )
<BR>My personal amp with 3 tubes was build 1978 and never failed, still using the
<BR>same tubes by Valvo.
<BR>I am used to run Drake equipment, so hate blowers.
<BR>All amps at OTxA and DF0CG are build with a pair of those tubes and run
<BR>perfectly well.
<BR>So far I build or supported the construction of at least 20 amplifiers with
<BR>QB5/1750 / RS457.
<BR>If you or a friend intend to come to Friedrichshafen it will be my
<BR>pleasure to let you have 2 or 3 of those RS457 if you like.
<BR>I am shure that I never run out of spare tubes.
<BR>73 de Peter, DF3KV
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