[AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz

Jim Reid kh7m@hsa-kauai.net
Sat, 7 Apr 2001 07:28:38 -1000

> I have never experienced any problems of this type 
> personally during travels abroad.

Hmmm,  well,  back in 1961,  I made a trip to the
Royal Radar Establishment in Malvern,  England.
Stayed at the Foley Inn.  First morning,  plugged
my electric razor in,  via an adapter.  Sounded a
bit more as an harvester would rather than  nice
shaver sound!  Began shaving,  and the unit became
quite hot in my hand,  finished anyway,  or nearly
so when the razor stopped.  Never ran again!

Had to learn later that day how to shave with
soap and a blade!

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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