[AMPS] SELL: Heath SB220 RF Deck Parts

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm@juno.com
Sat, 7 Apr 2001 13:50:47 -0400

SELL: Difficult to locate  OEM Heath SB220 RF Deck Components (except
where noted)  removed from Heath amplifiers. All units are functional
with no RF burn  marks:

1. 40-951 80m tuned input adjustable choke 	(2) 	$6 each 

2. 40-992 40m  	"      "	"	"      		(1) 	$6 each  

3. 40-593  20M	"       "	"	"		(2)	$6 each

4. 40-727  15m 	"	"	"		(2)	$6 each		

5. 40-965  10M (?)**	"	"		(1)	$5 each  **appears to be rewound

6. Ceramic Bandswitch  Wafer 2P5T		(1)	$22 

7. HV Parasitic choke/Resistor Assemby		(7)	$4 each	 

All prices + shipping. Ron W2CQM New York City 

Can send digitals. 

Epilogue: See QRZ.COM for the listing of the  most recent articles
written  for QST and 73 Magazine authored by W2CQM.

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