[AMPS] Opinions on Ameritron QSK-5?

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Wed, 11 Apr 2001 11:14:27 -0500

Hi Gene, and fellow amp'ers.

I have been using a QSK-5 for several years here with great satisfaction.
I bought it, an Icom 706 MK II, and a Henry SS-750 amp at the same time.
All have been working flawlessly together..I call it my "12 volt kilowatt."
This set-up is several times faster than the best vacuum relays available.
The speed is limited solely by the capability of the transceiver being used.

I did go ahead and spring for the fan kit, as things are "hot as hell" here in
Texas in the summer. I use it mobile on occasion with a small Radio Shack

Phil, K5PC

Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 10:52 AM
Subject: [AMPS] Opinions on Ameritron QSK-5?

> Looking for knowledge/experience with Ameritron QSK-5. Would run max 1kW
> through it, to low-SWR antennas, so not too worried about toasting it ...
> concerned with reliability, losses, QSKness (can I hear an S4 signal
> between letters at 30 wpm?), etc. Exciter is IC-756, fine QSK except noisy
> at fast AGC.
> 73 Gene N7YW
> "Gene Alan Williamson C." <genewill@ordata.com>
> President, La Musica Foundation
> http://www.lamusicafoundation.org
> Gift the Magic of Music to the Children of Honduras
> --
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