[AMPS] Zener screen supplies

measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 12 Apr 2001 08:44:32 -0700

>A different aspect to consider - what happens when there is anode-screen
>flashover. I inherited a PSU (with 10x33V/5W zener screen supply) from a
>friend. A dud tube caused a flashover and lots of damage. 

€  My guess is that the zeners shorted.  In such a case, shorted (0 
volts) zeners cause no damage.   (10) 5w zeners only cost around 11 

>After some
>investigation, I came to the conclusion that 375V VDR clamps on the screen
>didn't protect anything, as their clamping voltage at 10s Amps is around

€  The 10 x 33v zeners would have shorted at far less than 600v.  

>The arc current went through the screen meter and shunt ...

€  No glitch diodes for the meters is hardly good engineering practice.  

cheers, Steve

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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